Sweetness with a bitter tang like marmalade,
Perfect memories are really hard to be made.
Amongst your memory i try my best to wade,
Swimming against the tide cuz i don't wanna fade.
People meet us and we meet people,
Some we just tag and others we label.
We leave our mark whenever we're able,
From there we connect as if there's cable.
But distance distorts even the best connection,
Even the strongest signal will still face attenuation.
Newer links established are prone to distortion,
There isn't enough time yet for noise reduction.
And so we try our best to keep the door open,
Buying us time for the connection to sharpen.
It's not easy to predict what might happen,
But we do what we can to not be forgotten.
Trying to put my toes behind an invisible line,
It is hard to be sure when you cannot define.
Guide me with a beacon; a smile that shine,
Tell me if i overstepped and it'll be fine.
There seems to be a cloud that will rain on my parade,
A big dark shadow that will always cast me in the shade.
Guess i'll just wash down bitterness with some lemonade,
Cuz i just can't afford... i just can't afford to fade.