The Wait

On: Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hard cold seats provides nothing homely,
Stares of strangers a tinge too chilly.
Silence feels just a bit too lonely,
A minute seems 60 seconds too many.

Thoughts of things i should have done,
Thoughts of things i could have done.
Flinched at things that shouldn't be done,
Wished that some things could be undone.

Flipping through pictures of people i miss,
Trying to remember my very first kiss.
Flashing back my process of metamorphosis,
Retracing steps that lead my life to this.

Remembering people i lost touch & now regretting,
Remembering precious people who never stop caring.
Waiting for images of my memories to stop flashing,
Waiting for the stationary clock to continue ticking.


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