Hey Bristol !

On: Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hey Bristol, do you even know?
What makes you pretty is not the summer or snow,
Nor is it the scenery or beauty that you have for show.
It is the girl that needs a huggie when the temperature is low.

Not to say Bristol, that you ain't beautiful,
But you just loose by a little and that's just pitiful.
It's hard for me to give a huggie when my hands are full,
And she's so far away there's hardly strings i could pull.

So Bristol, why are you keeping her cold?
Have you lost your heat or is it all sold?
Would you turn up the temperature if i give you some gold?
Or would you rather i give, her smile in the form of a mold?

Cuz you see, her smile is like the best thing ever,
Its like the first ray of sun shining after winter,
With the warmth and comfort belonging to summer,
You and I both know, we could watch her smile forever.

So Bristol, why don't you keep her warm?
She's quite a busy girl but you know she has her charm.
There's only this much i can do cuz i'm like stuck in a farm,
But I just want her to know that, i do try to keep her warm. =)


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